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August 22, 2009

My Daily Grind

Why is the dictionary important?

Why doesn't it snow here in the Philippines?

Why is Pres. Marcos a bad president?

How does Mama Rose (her great, great grandma) get so old?

Why do we always get the old things of Ninong (my older brother)? (Haha! This was a very interesting observation from her but it is quite true. Had to laugh at this, but explained "saving money" to her on a more serious note)

Did you choose me as your baby?

How did you get pregnant with me?

Why do Americans sometimes live here in the Philippines?

Why do we need to study?

What does God look like?

Why do people drink beer?

What does Ireland look like?

Why do we wake up, sleep again, then wake up and sleep again?  (I had a more difficult time with this than the "pregnant" question, more because it was introspective in nature. OMG if i get more of these, on a bad day, even I have to ask this question myself hehe.)

Oh yes, all from my 6 year old's restless mind. Endless brain teasers. Practically EVERYDAY. I bet so many parents can relate to this. Much harder for single parents though. When these hit you unexpectedly - other times I find it so cute, other times it's nerve-wracking (pregnant question) or just exasperating, this i admit. 

If i don't get to answer some "Challenger" questions, she irritatingly quips, "I thought you knew everything!". Smart aleck. Lol.

Come to think of it, maybe i overdid the classical music in the tummy bit. :)  But on the other hand, Jeanina may well be the most interesting GF conversation i could ever have in the future. The two of us guzzling down a few pints while viewing the sunset in Spain or Egypt. Not bad at all. 

Just bring on the questions, babe! 

August 16, 2009

It just hit me

Just when i am pondering on another full time job-searching saga. I get this... in my mailbox.

People whose employment detour was simply a way to see themselves differently. A familiar feeling that is close to my heart right now. This is just wonderful. Inspiring. 

My story differs in a small way though. I wasn't laid off. I voluntarily stepped out of the time-consuming and frenzied world of mainstream advertising, as a choice. A single mother's choice to be precise.

It came to a point where I asked myself, is it worth spending one more day getting the flak from a thankless boss instead of seeing my child awake when I come home at night? Then I think. I am working FOR her, but in my busyness I lose precious moments I should spend WITH her. What's the freaking point of that?!!

I remember how many cringed at my decision, even without a fallback in sight. Armed only with my solitary conviction, my head up high and a bigger smile even - i was liberated from all the "what-you-should-have-done" or "what-is-the-smarter-choice". I was a free person!

As the movie aptly said, for the first time in my life, I was a blank page. It was exciting to rediscover how I can scribble my life over...or maybe, sort of rewrite how I imagine it to be from hereon.

Right now, after 5 years or so of freelancing as advertising copywriter I discovered different sides of me and little achievements that amazes me:

- I have started a casting agency/talent agency business with my close cousin. (going on 2-3 years now)
- I can spend more time with Jeanina - morning, noon and nighttime.
- I have bought my first car and switched to my second one, just this year.
- I have been a stylist, a producer and writer all rolled into one!
- I am buying that CANON Digicam this year (when all blessings come my way) and probably be the photographer i really wanted to be.
- My boardroom is the coffee shop, or alright, my bedroom!
- I discovered I can draw! I'm on my third sketchpad now.
- I have had 5 blogs - but has decided to cut down to just 3.
- I tried selling real estate (not as a broker). Have yet to get that big break.
- I discovered I CAN cook!

The opportunities ahead are endless for many of us in this same predicament. My thought bubbles suddenly pop out....
Disney Pixar can still get me! I will meet Brad Pitt for a script reading! I am getting that bungalow house and big garden i always wanted! I will scriptwrite my own short film entry!

If this vid is a sign of greater things to come, then so be it. Who am I to complain??
