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August 16, 2009

It just hit me

Just when i am pondering on another full time job-searching saga. I get this... in my mailbox.

People whose employment detour was simply a way to see themselves differently. A familiar feeling that is close to my heart right now. This is just wonderful. Inspiring. 

My story differs in a small way though. I wasn't laid off. I voluntarily stepped out of the time-consuming and frenzied world of mainstream advertising, as a choice. A single mother's choice to be precise.

It came to a point where I asked myself, is it worth spending one more day getting the flak from a thankless boss instead of seeing my child awake when I come home at night? Then I think. I am working FOR her, but in my busyness I lose precious moments I should spend WITH her. What's the freaking point of that?!!

I remember how many cringed at my decision, even without a fallback in sight. Armed only with my solitary conviction, my head up high and a bigger smile even - i was liberated from all the "what-you-should-have-done" or "what-is-the-smarter-choice". I was a free person!

As the movie aptly said, for the first time in my life, I was a blank page. It was exciting to rediscover how I can scribble my life over...or maybe, sort of rewrite how I imagine it to be from hereon.

Right now, after 5 years or so of freelancing as advertising copywriter I discovered different sides of me and little achievements that amazes me:

- I have started a casting agency/talent agency business with my close cousin. (going on 2-3 years now)
- I can spend more time with Jeanina - morning, noon and nighttime.
- I have bought my first car and switched to my second one, just this year.
- I have been a stylist, a producer and writer all rolled into one!
- I am buying that CANON Digicam this year (when all blessings come my way) and probably be the photographer i really wanted to be.
- My boardroom is the coffee shop, or alright, my bedroom!
- I discovered I can draw! I'm on my third sketchpad now.
- I have had 5 blogs - but has decided to cut down to just 3.
- I tried selling real estate (not as a broker). Have yet to get that big break.
- I discovered I CAN cook!

The opportunities ahead are endless for many of us in this same predicament. My thought bubbles suddenly pop out....
Disney Pixar can still get me! I will meet Brad Pitt for a script reading! I am getting that bungalow house and big garden i always wanted! I will scriptwrite my own short film entry!

If this vid is a sign of greater things to come, then so be it. Who am I to complain??


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

indeed, when a door closes it doesn't mean you have to try and open it to get out, try the windows for they are am sure plentiful....love what you just wrote Barbie:)
