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April 24, 2009

Little Miss Different

I get her bottles of poster color. She just mixes them all together. I get her clay. She molds the most grotesque elephant with a yellow tusk. I buy her paper. She paints on a saucer. She is that cooky and different!  

She is unconventional as can be. But hopefully (fingers & toes crossed) in all the good ways. Come to think of it, she is growing up adapting my "kind" of thinking.  Somehow always going against the grain, unintentionally. Not liking what's commonly popular. Everybody loves britney. I have always hated her. Everybody loves coffee at Starbucks. I just need the free wifi. People throw away boxes, trinkets and ribbons. I keep them, for future "art" projects. Everybody's wearing plaid this year. I will NOT be caught wearing them. 

So Nina and I are different in our own ways. She was born on different circumstances to start with (no thanks to my unconventional ways, which i hope she doesn't go for). But that was how my journey went. Loved deeply. Suffered painstakingly. Now, living independently as can be! I'm putting all the stops to make sure we glide on smoothly on our journey together. With little bumps and bruises at some turns.

Hoping for the most part, that Nina and I, giddily whistle all the way to wherever our different "selves" take us. London perhaps?:)

"We take the road less travelled, and that makes all the difference"
- Robert Frost


dadshouse said...

Creative and unique is a good thing. My son is like that - very creative and artistic. My mom was an art teacher, so I can totally relate.

30something_mama said...

hey dadhouse, thanks for passing by sorry just your comment now.