Picture this.
I was up all night listening to Nina's half asleep mumbles of whining and crying about her throat. How it was hard to swallow. How she couldn't sleep. Poor baby. I kept checking her temp, and she gave out a cold feverish sweat every now and then. I finally told her at 2am I will bring her to the hospital. But she wouldn't budge and considering the time, she was too tired and sleepy for it. So DOLAN saved the night for me, for 4-6 hours at least.
But once she woke up, her complaints resumed too. I can just imagine her pain. I HATED sore throats too! Your whole throat is swollen, eating anything tasty didn't help and every saliva-swallowing was damn painful. How about for my 6 yr old? Ugh torture. (10 times)
Knowing how "hospital addicitive " she can be. The next day, I brought her to our nearby hospital's ER. One of the things that really calms her down is going through a check up with her Pedia (this time, an Er recommended one) and taking that all-too familiar trip to our nearest Mercury Drug Store AND her choice of breakfast at home.
I wanted her to feel better. I wanted her pain to go away. And if it required me to prance around in my unsightly leggings and oversized T-shirt (a result of panicking) from the hosptial to the drugstore...then so be it! Hail to Mommy Duties. I would do anything for her, as would any parent for their sick child. ( Just wish no colleague of mine saw me hahaha. Vanity. Grr.)
After 3 days, the antibiotics has kicked in i guess. Plus the DOLAN helped big time. She slept through the afternoons (rarely does when she's well) and we sleep REALLY early at nights.
I'm glad my talkative, zany baby is back. Jumping from the sofa. Chasing her paper airplane. Her endless cartoon topics. Eating 6x a day. I'm sooo happy.
Now if I can only refill my fridge soon......
I'd be extremely happy. :)