Nina and I attended the yearly Fiesta luncheon at my Tita Betty's place in Kamias. It was fun. Food and booze all around, as usual. Karaoke in full blast. Everything looked pretty perfect.
But amidst the busy, continuous flow of guests, there were two kids who added to my stress that day. Oh yes, who else. My daughter Jeanina and Diego (my brother's son). Sure kids are fun to watch, but boy their hyperactivity and noise? They ran around like there was so much space (but not). Their boisterous naruto and karate dialogues was overwhelmingly attention-grabbing to all - it made me cringe several times. Worse, my older brother just ignored them so my mom and I "tried-in-vain" to stop them from their ruckus.
In public, they never just stop! No one could make them sit in one place. But in the privacy of our homes, you could at least control them and give them the major "wide eye" look that somehow (eensy weensy bit) makes their excited hormones settle down a bit.
So I say to cousins and other titas, "ganyan talaga sila" (that's just how they are). So we discuss amusing facts about our kids instead, but "their noise" I couldn't ignore (arg).
But inspite their obvious hard-headedness at times, they are actually such sweet ones. Such is mothering a pre-schooler, you love bringing them to parties BUT when rowdiness starts, I think "I'd want to take you home NOW"! And I mean, seriously. Good thing, our family understands these kinds of "kiddo" things and just laughed off their frantic antics.
You and your daughter are treasures... I'm so glad you've decided to share your story!
Keep it up awesome mama!
Congratulations my friend!
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